Sunday, January 06, 2008

We will be winners...

And as I predicted it is January. And I am me again.

Went to the bridal show this weekend for some ideas on invites and places for my huge family to stay. It was fun. My sisters in law to be always make me feel so at home. They are so helpful and were getting ideas for my bridal shower the whole time.

What a week though. Well, not even week I guess. My brother tells me that he is not moving out when he thought, my sister asks me if she can move in with me, and my stepmother got in trouble with the law. All of this was on Friday. Gotta love family, right???

We are in the midst of save the date cards for the wedding, and I am missing the days when postage was 29 cents. lol.

It's late, and I have a beer and some Jimmy Eat World. Could life get any better?

I received a new camera from J for Christmas. I have only been hinting at it for a year, so he's catching up. haha. Look forward to new pictures of the house, dog, and of course myself in the coming year. A 2 gb memory card kind of gives me reason, don't you think?